Our team of experts is available for IT consultations for your company processes and systems

As part of the development of custom-made applications and software, our team also provides IT consultations, where we can provide our years of experience in technology implementation to your team. If you have decided to develop your own systems, implement IT processes, or are interested in streamlining systems delivered by an external supplier, we can provide you with an independent opinion and recommend the optimal solution to the situation.

In our consultations, we pay attention to expertise, practical solutions and fairness. You can therefore count on the fact that the solutions we propose will bring you the desired result and will be prepared for you in an understandable form so that your team can practically implement them.

IT konzultácie od accute


Web, desktop or mobile applications? We are familiar with modern technologies.

Knowledge base

Our team has over 23 years of combined experience in IT and software development.


IT consultations from accute will save you a lot of valuable time and money.


Our solutions are not theory. They are proven solutions that are tested and work.


Did we solve your problem? You will receive detailed instructions and documentation for your team from us.


You will only pay for our IT consultations if we achieve the desired result for you.

What we help with

We can provide our clients with IT consultations in several areas.

At accute, we have been working on technology implementation and digitization for over 7 years, so we can provide you with valuable experience in several areas.

Connecting a payment gateway; PSD2 OpenBanking connection100%
Database structure design100%
Performance optimization of SQL procedures100%
AWS design and implementation; Azure or Google Cloud infrastructure90%
Third party opinion - independent analysis of systems90%
Setting up your own on-premise server - DevOps90%
Secure communication; certificates; signing80%
Your specific analysis requirements60%


Who have we already helped?

IT consultation – implementation of the payment gateway

Software development for our clients also includes IT consultations for their already existing systems and process settings. One of the tasks we dealt with were consultations for a foreign development…

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1024 512 accute
IT konzultácie

IT consultations – e-mail encryption for secure communication

Software development for our clients also includes IT consultations for their already existing systems and process settings. One of our clients is also an energy company that has its own…

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