Case studies

Stories of our clients

IT consultations – IT infrastructure analysis

Automated cryptocurrency trading is one of the most technologically demanding challenges today. It requires not only precisely programmed trading logic, but also reliable infrastructure, scalability and a high level of…

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2560 1440 accute

Open Politics: A mobile application for citizens

In today's digital world, access to information is one of the most important pillars of a democratic society. When citizens do not have access to transparent and relevant data, their…

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1350 900 accute

Design studio concept Art

Enter a world where black and white create the perfect contrast, and where shades of gray bring depth and sophistication. We present to you our Art design studio concept, which…

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2056 1542 accute

Mobile application for investment management

As part of the development of the overall software background for one of the five largest securities traders, the assignment to create a mobile application for clients investing in their…

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1069 777 accute

The stockbroker’s software background

For several years now, we have been a long-term partner and supplier of the overall software background of one of the five largest securities traders. An important part of the…

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2300 1534 accute

Modern VSG redesign concept

As part of our next concept, we focused on the redesign of the East Slovak Gallery, with the aim of creating a modern and visually attractive space that will appeal…

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2048 1536 accute

B2B platform for the financial sector

As part of the development of the overall software background for one of the five largest securities traders, the assignment to create a partner zone, or B2B platform. The B2B…

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3000 2250 accute
Klientska zóna

Client zone for an investment company

As part of the development of the overall software background for one of the five largest securities traders, the assignment to create a client zone was also a logical step.…

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5000 3750 accute

Order management for a local delicatessen manufacturer

A local producer and distributor of delicacies in central Slovakia faced a business-friendly challenge - to set up a work system in such a way that they could process a…

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4500 3000 accute

Design concept TheBlogClab

Enter a world where simple design and clean lines speak for themselves. Introducing our new design concept TheBlogClab, which we created with an emphasis on minimalism and elegance. The goal…

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2048 1536 accute

IT consultation – implementation of the payment gateway

Software development for our clients also includes IT consultations for their already existing systems and process settings. One of the tasks we dealt with were consultations for a foreign development…

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1024 512 accute
Systém pre personálnu agentúru

A complex system for a recruitment agency

A personnel agency employing more than 1,000 people from Slovakia, to whom it provides work primarily abroad, has decided to comprehensively unify and digitize its operations. The result of several…

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3000 2000 accute

Invoicing application for holding of companies

A holding company of more than twelve companies was struggling with hundreds of invoices issued and received for different companies during the month and was looking for a way to…

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4000 3000 accute

Baqery design concept

Baqery is a modern and elegant design concept, specially designed for bakery and shop operators. This concept combines aesthetics with functionality, offering an intuitive and visually appealing user interface. Baqery…

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2056 1542 accute
IT konzultácie

IT consultations – e-mail encryption for secure communication

Software development for our clients also includes IT consultations for their already existing systems and process settings. One of our clients is also an energy company that has its own…

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1200 868 accute
SEPA generátor - údaje platiteľa

More efficient payments in energy sector

The natural gas and electricity supplier was looking for the easiest way to pay more than 700 payments due the next day and a tool that would make it easier…

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1213 821 accute