More efficient payments in energy sector

The natural gas and electricity supplier was looking for the easiest way to pay more than 700 payments due the next day and a tool that would make it easier for the company to pay thousands of payments per month. The company was dependent on dozens of hours per month spent manually paying supplier invoices, employee salaries and other payments. They have decided for more efficient payments with our SEPA generator.

Immediate client need

It is natural that the operation of any company involves countless amounts of payment administration, which can take more than one month in one year. At the same time, this is a repetitive activity that does not bring any added value and thus represents an ideal space for immediate operational efficiency.

Energy companies are no exception. One such company approached us with an immediate need to pay more than 700 payments within a given day – payments that could not be postponed and their manual payment would take several hours of boring work for several company employees. We were therefore very happy to provide the company with a SEPA generator, a bulk payment tool, thanks to which the company made all the necessary payments within minutes.

SEPA generátor - údaje platiteľa

All payments within one minute

Today, there is probably no person in the world who has not heard of an application called Excel. It is the alpha and omega of most companies. From the smallest, which have not yet invested in complex software, to the largest corporations, where everyone keeps coming back to it. The SEPA generator is based on this domain – it provides clients with the opportunity to work in a tool they know so well and at the same time provides them with the functionality of paying hundreds of payments with a few clicks in the bank. It takes them less time to pay all employees’ salaries than it takes to create the infamous pivot table 😉

The SEPA generator does not need anything other than a simple list of payments for payment from Excel to create a mass payment order. A table with hundreds of payments is converted into a payment order within milliseconds, which the client only needs to transfer to his bank’s internet banking and sign. The SEPA generator is compatible with all European banks and, on request, can also work with bulk payments in foreign currencies. Therefore, even payments in CZK in the Gemini, ABO or MultiCash formats no longer have to take up the entire morning.

Trial version

You can test the ease of use of the application thanks to the trial version, which is available on the SEPA generator page. Learn about how it is used here.

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